sábado, 27 de março de 2010


Or just turn and walk away
I've overspoken
Said all that I can say
I know that I can kneel
And kiss your feet
Walk ahead and clear the street
So you don't have to meet
But what good would it do
Give the world another fool

Turn and walk away
I've overspoken
Now what more can I say?
I know that I can kneel
And I can cry
I know, I know
That I can show you how I died
Now what good would it do
Give the world another fool
Just sitting on this stool
I'm close to giving up on you

Fuck it.

Eu vou parar de correr atrás das pessoas.
A partir de agora, vou me trancar em casa também e foda-se.

e eu acho que tô passando mal :T

terça-feira, 23 de março de 2010